selamat datang di berba gi ilmu milik rizky

rizky pratama siregar

Jumat, 26 November 2010

freak virus with notepad.exe

pernah dengar cara bikin virus pake notepad? pasti pernah denger kan?
tapi klo  blum aku bakalan kasih tau caranya nih :))
virus ini ga bahaya namun biasanya buat non aktifin virus ini mesti ngerestart PC kmu!!
lumayan kan :)
caranya kamu tinggal copas (copy paste) za skrip di bawah ini di notepad.exe

color 0c
@echo off
title !!++_CuPHuMAnIX_++!!
echo write your name :
set /p input=""
echo welcome in my word %input%
echo this is my bat program
echo it's not dengerous!
echo but it's just some prank virus
echo _____________________________________________________
echo Terminate this choose the code! [1,2,3]
set /p input=""
if %input%==1 goto next
if %input%==2 goto next
if %input%==3 goto next

: next
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
echo access denied!!
goto next

Nah udah itu kmu save dengan eksistensi .bat dan all files type..
contoh: cumi.bat
trus save di drive terserah kamu!
dan coba klik 2x :)
liat apa yang terjadi....

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